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FFI GEN is a global forum for teaching and learning that offers cutting-edge multidisciplinary courses and world-class certificate programs for family enterprise advisors, consultants, academics, and other professionals. FFI GEN is the educational arm of the prestigious Family Firm Institute, the leading membership association worldwide for professionals serving the family enterprise field.

Students in GEN enjoy unparalleled knowledge resources and global connections to a diverse and truly multidisciplinary range of faculty and other professionals engaged in family enterprise studies. Students in GEN use their acquired knowledge and global connections to collaborate, re-think, and transform the dynamic field of family enterprise.

The two unique fully online certificates of FFI GEN Fast Track will prepare program graduates to provide consulting and advising services to family enterprises. These certificates in Family Business Advising (CFBA) and Family Wealth Advising (CFWA) have been developed to be the gold standard designations in the family enterprise field and provide partipants with the convenience and flexibilty they need. Fast Track program graduates will earn their professional certificate as well as authorization to use the CFBA and CFWA designation. Learn more at

Fast Track certificate program participants will also receive the following benefits:

A complimentary FFI global conference registration
One-year membership in FFI
Partnered with a Professional Mentor actively engaged in the field

Learn more about FFI GEN at