2019 Family Firm Institute (FFI) Academic Awards Submissions Now Being Accepted


2019 Family Firm Institute (FFI) Academic Awards

 Submissions Now Being Accepted
for Two Prestigious Awards in the Field of Family Business Study

The Best Doctoral Dissertation Award is given to encourage and recognize outstanding academic achievement in the field of family business study. The Best Dissertation is awarded annually after a blind, peer review of all submissions. Dissertations may be on any topic of relevance to the understanding and appreciation of family firms and/or family firm advisors. Dissertations must have been written as part of a graduate course of study at an accredited academic institution and defended in the last calendar year.

Award: Cash prize of $2,500 plus one-year membership in FFI and complimentary registration to the 2019 Annual Global Conference in Miami

If you are submitting a paper for consideration, please:

  • upload your completed doctoral dissertation as requested on the form. Include the author’s name, address, phone and email on the title page only.
  • upload a one-page abstract of no more than 120 words.
  • upload a summary of no more than 20 pages following the accompanying criteria.
  • submit dissertation in PDF format.

Dissertations can be submitted in any language, but the abstract and summary must be submitted in English.

Submission Deadline: The deadline for submissions for awards is March 1 of the award year.

Submit online: https://www.ffi.org/awards/best-doctoral-dissertation/


The overall quality of the entry will be based on purpose and significance of the study, research questions, literature review, research design, sample, data collection, data analysis, findings, theory (if applicable), limitations of the study, and implications for practice and research.

The entry will also be reviewed based on: literature survey, model development, hypothesis generation, research design, sample and site selection, data gathering methods, variable definition and measurement, data analysis methods, findings and conclusions.

The Best Unpublished Research Paper Award is awarded annually after a blind, peer review of all submissions. Papers may be on any topic of relevance to the understanding and appreciation of family firms and/or family firm advisors. The manuscript should not have been submitted to a journal at the time it is submitted for the award. Manuscripts should not be more than 45 typed double spaced pages, all inclusive, (using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch/2.5 cms margins). Researchers are not allowed to submit more than one paper (per year). The winners are encouraged to submit the award winning paper to FBR (or equal journal) for publication consideration.

Award: Cash prize of $2,500 plus one-year membership in FFI and complimentary registration to the 2019 Annual Global Conference in Miami

If you are submitting a paper for consideration, please:

  • upload your completed unpublished research paper as requested on the form. Include the author’s name, address, phone and email ad- dress on the title page only
  • submit paper in PDF format
  • only one submission per author

Submission Deadline: The deadline for submissions for awards is April 15 of the award year.

PLEASE NOTE: Only one submission per author.

Submit online: https://www.ffi.org/awards/best-unpublished-research-paper/

Nominees will be notified of decisions in writing by June 1 of the submission year. Winners are expected to be present at the FFI annual conference to receive the award. Implicit in the awards submission is a commitment, if a winner, to be available to judge this category twice in the subsequent
three years.

Best Unpublished Research Paper Award Recipients

2018 Jeroen Neckebrouck
2017 Hanqing Fang, David Jiang
2016 Joshua Nacht
2015 Miriam Bird
2014 Francesco Barbera
2013 Nadine Kammerlander
2012 Annette Rahael, Esra Memili
2011 Ignacio Requejo Puerto
2010 Wayne Jeremy Irava
2009 Sami Alwuhaibi
2008 Stephanie Brun de Pontet
2007 Alain Praet
2006 Naomi Birdthistle
2005 Alberto Gimeno

2004 Annika Hall
2003 Elmarie Venter
2002 Mark L. Hoelscher
2001 Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez
1998 Daphna F. Raskas
1997 Jeffrey D. Swartz
1996 Michael Wake eld
1995 Marilyn Elaine Fuss-Reineck
1994 Christopher Eckrich
1993 Susan T. Ferkany
1992 Kevin Seymour
1991 Johannes Welsch
1990 Wendy Handler
1989 Colette Dumas

Best Dissertation Award Recipients

2018 Kristen Madison, Kimberly A. Eddleston, Franz W. Kellermanns, Gary N. Powell
2017 Patricio Duran, Pascual Berrone, Luis Gomez-Mejia, Pursey Heugens, Tatiana Kostova, Marc van Essen
2016 Jim Chrisman, Srikant Devaraj, Pankaj C. Patel
2015 Cristina Bettinelli, Manisha Singal, John Davis
2014 Jan-Philip Ahrens, Michael Woywode
2013 Cinzia Dessi, Michela Floris, Nadine Kammerlander, Alessandra Murru
2012 Nava Michael-Tsabari, Rania Labaki, Ramona Zachary
2011 Lucia Naldi, Mattias Nordqvist, Thomas Zellweger
2010 Pankaj Patel, Kimberly Eddleston, Franz Kellermanns
2009 Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Danny Miller, Richard Lester
2008 James Chrisman, Jess Chua
2007 Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller,

Richard H. Lester, Albert A. Canella, Jr.
2006 Belen Villalonga, Raf Amit
2005 Annika Hall, Mattias Nordqvist
2004 Reginald Litz
2003 Pramodita Sharma, S. Manikutty
2002 Pramodita Sharma, Greg Irving
2001 Ercilia Garcia-Alvarez, Jordi Sintas-Lopez
2000 Reginald Litz, Robert Kleysen
1999 Pramodita Sharma, Jess Chua, James Chrisman
1998 Barbara Murray
1997 Susan F. Moon, Anisa M. Zvonkovic
1996 Daniel McConaughy
1995 Ivan Light
1994 Barbara Dunn
1992 Steven D. Goldberg, Bill Wooldridge
1991 Richard Guzzo
1990 Cynthia Iannarelli
1989 Stewart Malone