Family Business Review (FBR) by the Numbers


FFI’s journal, Family Business Review (FBR), is a refereed journal published quarterly since 1988. A scholarly publication devoted exclusively to exploration of the dynamics of family-controlled enterprise, including firms ranging in size from the very large to the relatively small, FBR is focused not only on the entrepreneurial founding generation, but also on family enterprises in the 2nd and 3rd generations and beyond, including some of the world’s oldest companies. In addition, the journal publishes multidisciplinary research on families of wealth and the family office.

But practically what does this mean for advisors and practitioners in the field? As another example of FFI’s commitment to marry research and practice, this issue summarizes and highlights some of the elements of “The Annual Publisher’s Report for 2016,” prepared by Cynthia Nalevanko, publishing editor for SAGE Publishing, and “The Annual Editor’s Report (2016),” prepared by Pramodita Sharma, FBR editor.

Yours in Practice,

The Practitioner


  • 182 manuscripts were submitted to FBR in 2016 – with an acceptance rate of 10%.
  • Submissions came from 43 countries.
  • 148 scholars are on the FBR boards.
  • 10,155 organizations received FBR in 2016.
  • 127,725 full-text downloads were recorded in 2016, which results in 350 downloads per day.
  • The FBR Impact Factor is 4.229, up from 4.147 in 2015*.

Referring Traffic Sources

So who suggests that other people should read FBR? If you had to guess, you’d probably say that Google Scholar leads the way, and you’d be right! But… would you have guessed that was third in the referring traffic sources category — confirming the conventional wisdom that FFI members and visitors to the website are researched oriented!

New in late 2016 is an FBR Twitter presence — follow FBR @FBRJournal. If you’re not on Twitter, you can view the updates at

But… ultimately who reads what? Here are the three most downloaded articles.

Empirics in Family Business Research: Progress, Challenges, and the Path Ahead
Robert E. Evert, John A Martin, Michael S. McLeod, G. Tyge Payne
Go here for the related précis by Nava Michael-Tsabari in The Practitioner.

Oh, the Places We’ll Go! Reviewing Past, Present, and Future Possibilities in Family Business Research
Jeremy C. Short, Pramodita Sharma, G. Thomas Lumpkin, Allison W. Pearson

Examining Family Firm Succession From a Social Exchange Perspective: A Multiphase, Multistakeholder Review
Joshua J. Daspit, Daniel T. Holt, James J. Chrisman, Rebecca G. Long
Go here for the related précis by Ivan Lansberg in The Practitioner.

And…which articles promote more research? Here are the three most cited articles.

The Internationalization of Family Firms A Critical Review and Integrative Model
Thilo J. Pukall and Andrea Calabro
Go here for the related précis by Karen Vinton.

The Temporal Evolution of Proactiveness in Family Firms: The Horizontal S-Curve Hypothesis
Alfredo De Massis, Francesco Chirico, Josip Kotlar and Lucia Naldi
Go here for the related précis by Karen Vinton.

Researching Long-Term Orientation: A Validation Study and Recommendations for Future Research
Keith H. Brigham, G. Tyge Payne and Miles A. Zachary and G.T. Lumpkin
Go here for the related précis by Karen Vinton.
Making it all possible
Thanks to FBR editor Pramodita Sharma and the editorial team for these outstanding results.

Editor Assistant Editor Social Media Editor

Pramodita Sharma
University of Vermont

Karen Vinton
Montana State University

Joshua J. Daspit

Mississippi State University
Associate Editors

Keith H. Brigham
Texas Tech University

Jon Carr
North Carolina State University

Alfredo De Massis
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

W. Gibb Dyer
Brigham Young University

Daniel T. Holt
Mississippi State University

Nadine Kammerlander
WHU-Otto-Beisheim School of

Tyge Payne
Texas Tech University

Allison W. Pearson
Mississippi State University

More information
Go here to watch Rania Labaki of EDHEC discuss the outreach and impact of FBR and The Practitioner.

*The Impact Factor is a measure of the importance of a journal and is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters) year by the total number of citable articles published in the two previous years.