Applied Research and FFI Practitioner: A look at the FBR Précis

Applied Research and FFI Practitioner: A look at the FBR Précis

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FFI strives to advance the field of family enterprise through applied research, providing practitioners with practical applications for research conducted by academics from around the world. An example is the periodic précis written by members of the FBR Applied Research Board. Based on recent articles published in FBR, these précis summarize an article and identify implications and applications for advisers to integrate into their work with families.

This week, FFI Practitioner is pleased to highlight selected FBR précis on a variety of family enterprise topics.



Behavioral Management

“More Than Meets the Eye: A Review and Future Directions for the Social Psychology of Socioemotional Wealth,” by David S. Jiang, Franz W. Kellermanns, Timothy P. Munyon, and M. Lane Morris

Précis by Kim Schneider Malek


“Relationship Conflict, Family Name Congruence, and Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms,” by Mary Beth Rousseau, Franz Kellermanns, Thomas Zellweger, and Tammy E. Beck

Précis by Navneet Bhatnagar


“Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Family Firm: Mapping the Field and Tracing a Path for Future Research,” by Remedios Hernández-Linares and María Concepción López-Fernández

Précis by Maya Prabhu

Family & Business Interface

“Nonfamily Members in Family Firms: A Review and Future Research Agenda” by William Tabor, James J. Chrisman, Kristen Madison, and James M. Vardaman

Précis by Guido Corbetta


“Unpacking the Black Box of Family Business Advising: Insights from psychology” by Vanessa Strike, Alexandra Michel, and Nadine Kammerlander

Précis by Thomas Schwarz



2019 FBR Research Applied Board

Guido Corbetta
Bocconi University

Alberto Gimeno
ESADE Business School

Maya Prabhu
JP Morgan Private Bank

Kavil Ramachandran
Indian School of Business

Kim Schneider Malek
Family Enterprise Continuity Alliance

Applied Research and FFI Practitioner: A look at the FBR Précis

View this edition in our enhanced digital edition format with supporting visual insight and information.