Conversation-Starting Articles to Share with your Clients


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One of the primary goals of FFI Practitioner is to provide readers with thought-provoking and practical articles to improve the services they offer to their family enterprise clients and the field in general. To further this mission, this week, we are pleased to feature a selection of articles addressing common topics, across disciplines, that can be used as examples or conversation starters with clients.

Family Wealth

Articles in this section address common issues relating to family wealth and can help provide guidance in conversations about the benefits and limitations of family philanthropy and the influence that money can have in multi-generational family enterprises.

Family Dynamics

Articles in this section can be valuable resources for clients with adult Next Gen successors who are seeking to establish their leadership presence in the firm, especially if the client is experiencing overly-conflictual family meetings.



These governance-related articles can be effective tools to use with clients facing concerns about whether their current ownership model will work for future generations or clients looking to codify their family values and legacy.


Articles in this section address two legal topics of perennial relevance in the field. The first article can be helpful to start a thoughtful conversation with clients who are confronting the sensitive topic of prenuptial agreements. The second article provides a practical and easy to understand overview of some relevant considerations for families looking to select trustees.


21st Century Trustees

by Patricia Angus

Do you have an idea for an article that could serve as an example or conversation-starter with clients? If so, please consider writing for FFI Practitioner.

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