Research Applied: FBR Précis for the Practitioner
Thanks to the five authors listed below for their précis of the September FBR articles — and thanks again to Karen Vinton, assistant FBR editor, for coordinating these each quarter.
Go here for:
- Ivan Lansberg’s précis of The Job of a Journal Editor
- Ken McCracken’s précis of The Early Succession Stage of a Family Firm: Exploring the Role of Agency Rationales and Stewardship Attitudes
- Navneet Bhatnager’s précis of Incumbents’ Attitude Toward Intrafamily Succession: An Investigation of Its Antecedents
- Barbara Dartt’s précis of Successor Team Dynamics in Family Firms
- Frank Hoy’s précis of Technological Innovation Inputs, Outputs, and Performance: The Moderating Role of Family Involvement in Management
Yours in Practice,
The Practitioner