The Latest Thinking from International Award Recipients



This week, The Practitioner, as part of its FFI@30 mini-series on Achievement Award recipients, features the International Award winners. This award, which recognizes an individual or organization for outstanding achievement in furthering the understanding of family business issues that occur between two or more countries, began in 2000. (For a complete list of recipients go here.)

In this issue, we focus on some of the organizations that have won this award and what they are doing today.

The Center for Family Business at CUHK was established in 2008 and continues to flourish today with former FFI board member Kevin Au as the director. In 2010 FFI and CUHK collaborated to present the FFI GEN certificate programs on site and since then many FFI members have presented in the Center’s Learning Series.

Go here to learn more about the global partners for the program.


The Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise enables INSEAD to run events and educational programmes that benefit family firms across the globe. The Centre has also adopted a wider advocacy role by raising awareness and understanding of the importance of family enterprise as a business model: not only are family firms in their many forms the most prevalent type of companies worldwide – they are also proven to be among the most successful in the long-term. FFI members Christine Blondel and Randel Carlock are faculty members at INSEAD.

Go here for Randel’s article on “Board Diversity and Women in Leadership Positions” in Chinese.

Go here for “L’entreprise familiale sauvera-t-elle le capitalisme? Portraits”, written by Christine Blondel with Anne Dumas.


The Family Business Institute (IEF) was founded in 1992 in Barcelona and over the years has established itself as the partner of reference for family business to authorities, institutions, media and society in general. The Institute promotes the importance of family  companies as a source of wealth and employment. Former FFI board members Fernando Casado and Jesus Casado have long histories with the Instituto. Fernando Casado was the managing director from 1993- 2011.

Jesus Casado is currently the Deputy Director General. Go here for a research document he facilitated on European Family Enterprise Trends (November 2015).


The AIdAF-Alberto Falck Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business at Bocconi University was created with the aim to raise consciousness about the importance of family business in the most developed economies and in the academic system.

The AIdAF-Alberto Falck Chair is managed by Prof. Guido Corbetta, Full Professor of Strategic Management at Bocconi University. Carlo Salvato is GEN faculty chair and former FFI board member.

Read the award winning FBR article by Guido Corbetta and Carlo Salvato.


Since its inception in 1990, The Loyola Family Business Center has grown to become a leader in family business program development and research, serving as a unique and extraordinary resource to family businesses in the Chicagoland area, around the United States, and now around the world.

FFI members John Ward, Drew Mendoza, Andrew Keyt have all held leadership positions at Loyola.

Go here for information on Andrew’s latest book, Myths and Mortals: Family Business Leadership and Succession Planning.