2017 Family Enterprise Case Competition


This week’s Practitioner features the Family Enterprise Case Competition (FECC) held at the University of Vermont in mid-January.

One of the nice things about being The Practitioner is that you get invited places! And sometimes more than once! Such is the case with the University of Vermont’s Family Enterprise Case Competition. This year the competition, now in its fifth year, attracted more than 250 participants from 20 countries this year. These individuals participated as competitors, coaches, judges, sponsors, and organizers.

Why is this competition important to the field of family enterprise? Here are just a few reasons.

  • A new generation of college graduates whose education includes family enterprise as a dominant form of business worldwide is being created. Here are the schools from 2017.
    Brock University
    Carleton University
    Concordia University
    Dalhousie University
    HEC Montreal
    University of Alberta
    University of Guelph-Humber
    University of Manitoba
    Wilfrid Laurier UniversityColombia
    Universidad de Los AndesFrance  
    ICN Business School

    Munich Business School

    Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
    Windesheim University of Applied SciencesSpain
    ESADE Business SchoolUK
    Lancaster University

    Grand Valley State University
    Saginaw Valley State University
    Stetson University
    Syracuse University
    University of North Texas
    University of Vermont

    Universidad Panamericana Campus Aguascalientes
    Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara

Go here for a directory of educational centers and programs.

  • Case-based learning is encouraged.
    For the last two years, FFI and FECC have collaborated in reviewing and choosing the cases used in the competition. Thanks to FFI Fellows Jane Hilburt-Davis, Michael O’Neal and Jill Thomas for serving in this capacity.
  • Judges represent varying perspectives on the field, giving the students feedback from academic, professional, and enterprise points of view. In 2017 there were more than 80 judges from 16 countries. Nearly half of them are members of FFI.
  • The winners are great! Congratulations to:

The Team from Lazaridis School of Business at Wilfrid Laurier University for winning the Undergraduate Division. The coach is John Young.

The Team from ESADE Business School for taking home the prize for the Graduate Division. The coach is Maria Jose Parada.

Please join The Practitioner in congratulating all those who participated this year!

For more on the 2017 results, go here.

Yours in Practice,

The Practitioner