Most Popular Articles of 2015
A summary of the most popular articles by month in 2015 with thanks to all the readers and writers and editors for the year!
- January: We got off to a good start with the first issue of 2015 being the most read! Go here for New Year: New Ideas.
- February: Debbie Bing’s provocative title The Moment You Can’t (Or Better Not) Ignore grabbed everyone’s attention.
- March: The popularity of FBR précis by Kim Scheider-Malek, Nava Michael-Tsabari and Ken McCracken remind us of how much the FFI members want to connect research and practice.
- April: A entire month of articles, blogs and interviews organized by the editorial committee on the theme of the annual global conference (“Myths & Realities”) – with Patricia Angus’ article Estate and Wealth Planning for Family Enterprises: Realities – Not Myth – as the Proper Starting Point being the most read.
- May: A tie! Go here for Tom Zellweger’s article on The 500 Largest Family Firms in the World and here for Andrew Hier’s Key Diagnostic Parameters for Family Enterprise Functionality.
- June: Another tie! Go here for Five Areas of Focus by Joe Astrachan and Carrie Hall and here for Now If Only Every Family Business Was a Fairy Tale by Asher Noor.
- July: Read Mary Daugherty’s blog on Myth and Reality: Why all the fuss over family business? Ask the Wall Street Journal in which she looks to the WSJ for reinforcements!
- August: Another month of special issues on “Myths & Realities” – with this month’s most popular being the co-authored article Next Generation Leadership: Learning from the past and preparing for the future by Al Bennett and Cathy Olson.
- September: Back to FBR with Tom Schwarz and Maya Prabhu’s précis on articles in the September FBR.
- October: No surprise here – the most read is The Practitioner’s interview with neuroscientist Beau Lotto, who enthralled conference attendees in London.
- November: The last of the special issues on the conference theme. This article by the BDO Global Business Team was the most read. Go here for As Family Business Advisors, Can We Separate the Myths from Realities?
- December: Too soon to tell, but please keep reading — and writing — in the New Year!