Research Applied: FBR Précis on Socioemotional Wealth and Its Influence on CSR Strategy
Thank you to this week’s contributor, Navneet Bhatnagar, for sharing his précis of “Examining Heterogeneous Configurations of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms through the Formalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy” – an article that appears in the June 2023 issue of FBR.
A Simple Model for Strategic Planning in Family Businesses
Thank you to this week’s contributor, Maria Milanetti, for her article that presents a simplified model for engaging family enterprise clients in an efficient strategic planning process.
Balancing Representation with Qualification on Family Business Boards
In this week’s FFI Practitioner, contributors Omar Romman and Ben Francois explore the topic of how to balance family member and independent director participation on the board.
How Positive Psychology Can Help Family Enterprises Flourish
The FFI Practitioner podcast is pleased to host Doug Gray, PhD, discussing the field of positive psychology, 360 assessments, and how both can help family enterprise advisors with their clients.