Sun Tzu’s The Art of War: Two Teachings for Family Advisory
Thank you to FFI Asian Circle Virtual Study Group members Joanna Sun, ACFBA/ACFWA, and Kimberly Go, CFBA/CFWA, for their article that outlines principles from The Art of War, a classic text of military strategy from Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, and applies them to family advisory practice.
How Wealthy Families Can Instill a Culture of Stewardship Part II: From Value Contribution to Leadership—Increasing Engagement in the Rising Generation
The second part in this article by Dennis Jaffe and Amy Hart Clyne picks up where Part I ends.
How Wealthy Multigenerational Families Can Instill a Culture of Stewardship Part I: Setting Baseline Agreements for Stewardship Behavior
Thanks to Dennis Jaffe and Amy Hart Clyne for this two-part article that draws on their experience working with successful families to create an ongoing value-based culture for the responsible use of wealth across generations.