Sparking Powerful Conversations in the Family Business
I think advisors recognize that business owners have an added level of complexity in their lives — this holds true for wealth-holding families as well. This complexity is just a natural part of the system.
The Power of Fear on the Family Firm: Avoiding a power outage
As advisors, we see how fear grips family firms and interferes with the work we are hired to do. Decisions on issues like succession are delayed, and difficult conversations about wealth are avoided.
Short Circuiting in Succession Planning
Practitioners and family enterprise clients short circuit all the time in succession planning. That doesn’t mean that the advisor/client relationship breaks down – although sometimes sparks do fly.
Live Wires in the Family Enterprise
As family advisors, we know the drill. We are called to the scene and get down to investigating what happened. There is smoke and despair in the air. Porcelain has been shattered.
Harnessing the Power of Being Heard
Conflict is a part of life — and of family enterprises Conflict is a broad and important topic. It’s an unavoidable part of life and of human interaction.
Empty Structures Syndrome: Losing the energy that drives governance
It’s a paradox: Some family owner groups in the third, fourth, fifth generation, and beyond, have sophisticated governance structures and a history of embracing world-class family business advisory help.
Defusing NextGen’s Explosive Exposé!
n the beginning, it was all about the founders’ quest for anonymity, to keep the family under the radar and the family business link private.
Research Applied: FBR Précis for the Practitioner
Thanks to Ken McCracken for this précis on “Perceptions of Knowledge Sharing Among Small Firm Leaders: A Structural Equation Model,” which will be appearing in the June issue of FBR.
Succession: The multiple considerations of holistic planning
Some topics are always current, succession and transition being among them. Thanks to this week’s author, Glenn Murray, for addressing the topic from a holistic approach.
Technological innovation four ways. What more can you ask?
This week's issue of The Practitioner gives you four ways of looking at a piece of significant research: 1) the original article; 2) the précis by Frank Hoy; 3) a podcast interview with the authors and FBR assistant editor.
Flocks, Families and Organizations: Emerging applications from Bowen theory and science
Thanks to Mariana Martinez, founder of Bethesda Family Therapy, for her blog exploring the relationships between human and animal groups and how individuals in both systems effect the system itself.
To Put a Dent in the Universe
According to the Financial Times, the award Thinkers50 is the Oscar of the management world. The award follows two simple principles: To promote new ideas whose power is enough to improve the world.
The Inescapable Influence of Money on the Family Enterprise
Thanks to FFI Fellow, Randy Waesche, Resource Management LLC, for focusing our attention on the concepts, impacts and effects of money on multi-generational companies.
Family Enterprise and Public Policy
Thanks to Patricia Soldano, founder of Policy and Taxation Group, for this week’s blog on the importance of family enterprises having a voice in promoting informed public policy conversations.
Getting Everybody on the Same Page (By Getting EveryTHING on One Page)
Thanks to Steve Legler for this week’s article –complete with the sample page that facilitates the process he describes. See below for Getting Everybody on the Same Page (By Getting EveryTHING on One Page).
Thanks to Luke Simmering of the Legasus Group for this slightly tongue-in-cheek addition to the family enterprise consulting lexicon!
2017 Family Enterprise Case Competition
This week’s Practitioner features the Family Enterprise Case Competition (FECC) held at the University of Vermont in mid-January. One of the nice things about being The Practitioner is that you get invited places!
Family Business in the White House
Thanks to Jim Hutcheson for this week’s blog on family business in the White House. The Practitioner loves the idea of looking at world leaders from this perspective.
Must Read FBR Articles from 2016
Thanks to FBR assistant editor Karen Vinton and the members of the Research Applied Board for their recommendations on “must read” articles from 2016.
Research Applied: FBR Précis for the Practitioner
The last in the 2016 practitioner précis of articles in the Family Business Review. Go here for: Judy Green’s précis of Not All Created Equal.