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Thanks to Navneet Bhatnagar of the FBR Research Applied Board for sharing this thoughtful précis of “The Intersection of Family Firms and Institutional Contexts: A Review and Agenda for Future Research” – an article that appears in the March 2018 issue of FBR. The research article and related précis seek to refine the understanding of family firms’ unique interactions with their institutional contexts.

Thanks to Nick Moody of Campden Wealth for this week’s article on Hidden Champions, in which he provides examples of typical family business enterprises that drive the world’s economies, but are not household names. And…he offers readers an opportunity to expand public awareness of the impact of these family businesses worldwide.

This week’s article examines two sides of one issue – competency. Thanks to Patricia Annino for sharing her analysis of the challenges presented by either sustained or diminished competence in an older family founder and for providing practical steps to help family plan for these challenges.

Thank you to this week’s contributor, Isys Caffey of Edelman, who launches 2018 with further analysis of the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Family Business by focusing on the role that wealth inequality can play in public perceptions of family businesses and what family businesses can do to address these perceptions.

How has research influenced the field of family business and how can practitioners make better use of it with their clients? This week’s FFI Practitioner features an interview with FFI Fellow and past president, Craig Aronoff, where he answers these questions and more as the month-long special issue series dedicated to the Global Conference theme continues.