Study Finds Children of Millionaires Want to be Stewards of Wealth
Thanks to this week’s author, Natalie McVeigh, for summarizing a recent US-based study on children (ages 16-26) of millionaires, presenting key points that could be useful to advisors, their clients, and researchers globally.
Letting Go – Five Basics
CEO succession to a non-family executive is particularly challenging to a CEO who is a family member.
Research Applied: FBR Précis for FFI Practitioner
What organizational configurations lead to the highest levels of innovation in family firms? In this week’s edition, which is a précis of “A Configurational Approach to Family Firm Innovation,” an article appearing in the June 2019 issue of FBR, Navneet Bhatnagar explores this question and its implications for family enterprise advisors.
Three Communication Skills for Breaking Through Impenetrable Barriers
How can family advisors help their clients when they are so enmeshed in conflict that they seem to have erected impenetrable barriers? According to this week’s contributors, Mitzi Perdue and Amy Castoro, advisors can utilize three communication techniques to break down these barriers and address the underlying causes of the conflict. Mitzi and Amy have illustrated these techniques with an instructive case study that can be shared with clients.