Generational Transfer Models
Thanks to Leonardo Glikin, a member of the FFI IberoAmercian Virtual Study Group (VSG), for today’s article exploring five models for generational transition as he has encountered them in his family enterprise consulting practice.
Commentary #3 on Professionalizing the Business Family: A research report sponsored by the FFI 2086 Society
Thank you to research report authors Claudia Astrachan and Torsten Pieper and FFI Fellow Andrew Keyt for this timely article on family cohesion, explaining how cohesion can drive family enterprise resilience to cope with disruption such as a worldwide pandemic.
Changing Demographics in Family Businesses: Highlights from the STEP 2019 Quantitative Survey
Thanks to this week’s contributor, Andrea Calabrò, for summarizing the findings of the STEP 2019 Global Family Business Survey, which was introduced in the January 8 FFI Practitioner edition about applied research in the field.
Transitioning from a Family Business to a Family Brand
Many family enterprises develop strong branding around their visionary founders. But what happens to this brand when the next generation assumes leadership?
Seven Steps for Solving Problems in Family Enterprises
Do your family business clients devote more time to fixing problems than to preventing them?
Commentary #2 on Professionalizing the Business Family: A research report sponsored by the FFI 2086 Society
This week we are pleased to continue our series of commentaries on the recently released report, sponsored by the 2086 Society, entitled “Professionalizing the Business Family: The Five Pillars of Competent, Committed and Sustainable Ownership.”
Succession Planning Using OKR Leadership: A case study
In this week’s edition, we are pleased to share a piece about OKR Leadership, a management methodology that can help advisors organize and measure their clients’ succession planning process.
Commentary #1 on Professionalizing the Business Family (A research report sponsored by the FFI 2086 Society)
This week, we are pleased to share the first in a series of commentaries by members of the FFI 2086 Society about a recently released report sponsored by the group titled, “Professionalizing the Business Family: The Five Pillars of Competent, Committed and Sustainable Ownership.”
Case Study: The Seibu Group – The fall of the Seibu Empire
Thanks to this week’s contributor, Morio Nishikawa, for providing this case study about the Seibu Group, a Japanese family-owned business that faced a variety of legal challenges beginning in 1993 as the country’s laws changed, and the company’s practices and protocols were not updated.
Family Businesses in Germany – total lack of trust(s)?
For advisors working with family business clients operating across multiple countries, it is important to keep informed about jurisdictional differences and how they could impact your clients.
FFI Practitioner: Most Popular Articles of 2019
With the new year around the corner and a new decade on its way, here is a look at the most popular articles in 2019. We’re pleased to say that, thanks to our outstanding contributors, we’ve never missed an issue this year! So in addition to these Top 10, please enjoy the other 42 articles that appeared in FFI Practitioner since last January.
A Few Thoughts on Family Constitutions: An Indian perspective
This week, FFI Practitioner is pleased to share an article by Ashvini Chopra in which he discusses family constitutions from an Indian perspective.
What Is Your Strategic Pulse?
How do we keep ourselves and our clients thriving during times of complexity and disruption? According to this week’s contributor, Eva Wathén, it comes down to resilience. Thanks to Eva for sharing this article, in which she presents the importance of taking your “strategic pulse.”
From Vixens to Victorious: The Rise of Women’s Power, Competition, and Ambition in Family Business Leadership
This week, FFI Practitioner explores the evolving topic of the role of women in family businesses. Thank you to this week’s contributor, Patricia Annino, for her article, which is based on her presentation at the 2019 Global Conference.
Research Applied: FBR Précis for FFI Practitioner
Thank you to this week’s contributor, Navneet Bhatnagar of the FBR Research Applied Board, for sharing his précis of “Listening to the Heart or the Head?
Developing a First Strategic Plan: Seven Practical Tips
According to Mark Twain, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” In that light, we are pleased to share an article by Rochelle Mendelsohn that explores the reasons why family enterprises without a strategic plan should consider developing their first and outlines seven tips for advisors working with these organizations throughout the process.
Accidental Partnerships: A new lens on sibling and cousin partnerships
At first, it seemed ridiculous – how could they possibly fill the shoes of their father, Greg, who built such a remarkable portfolio of commercial real estate holdings? And how would they ever figure out how to work together?
Trust and the Family Business
How have shifts in employee expectations and other pronounced societal changes impacted employee trust within family businesses?
How to Keep a Business Family Alive: Families that fuel next generation family business leaders
This week, we are pleased to share the results of a research study on the succession strategies of select family-owned multigenerational German wineries.